Front cover of science fiction story.


Warning: Adult content.

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Now that TongSu was nearly recovered from the injuries she sustained in the East Basin, they thought it might be nice to take a different kind of trip. One where they could relax and recuperate, one where they might find the quiet time to renew their relationship. The Knidola Basin seemed ideal, it had few large predators, no ancient hatreds, few serious drugs and a lively beach scene. The natives were said to be laid-back and friendly, the prices reasonable and the inns comfortable.

It is TongSu who suggests they should get out and meet people, but the first people they meet are from an all-nude all-girl boat band who have just had their boat stolen. TongSu soon volunteers to help them spot it from the air and they soon learn that large beasts with fang and claw are not the only meaning of the term 'Dangerous Wildlife.'

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